Elephant Room Productions presents the second audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign. In “The Monster that Comes at Night,” A teenage boy tells his sister a story in an effort to help her cope and understand the abusive environment they live in. The fictional story and the world they operate in slowly begin to […]
Ep. 31 – Martin Coren (Three Plays for America)
This month I speak with New York Playwright Martin Coren, our first EERS playwright to be able to join us for the reading of his piece! We discuss his thoughts on historical fiction process of writing intersecting stories, all while I grapple with a lack of Air Conditioning. Happy Summer!
The Fifth Vital Sign: The Monster that Comes at Night Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts the second audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign on July 26th. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, to listen to the audio play. In “The Monster that Comes at Night,” a teenage boy tells his sister a story in an effort to help her cope and understand […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: Suddenly
Elephant Room Productions presents “Suddenly,” the first audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign. In “Suddenly,” a couple is forced to contend with bitterness and anger along with grief as they write an obituary for their daughter. “Suddenly” is written by Ellen Davis Sullivan, directed by Robert Gene Pellechio, and features Ginger Agnew and Shaun […]
The Fifth Vital Sign: Suddenly Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts the first audio play of The Fifth Vital Sign on June 28th. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, to listen to the audio play. In “Suddenly,” a couple is forced to contend with bitterness and anger along with their grief as they write an obituary for their daughter. […]
Ep. 30 – Emily McClain (Cheek By Jowl)
This month I speak with Atlanta Playwright Emily McClain about her dark comedy Cheek By Jowl. We touch on how it relates to her own family life and sense of humor, and also the unintentional channeling of Martin Crane in her piece. The scene featured in this month’s episode features Shaun Yates as Martin, Julianne […]
The Fifth Vital Sign Promo
Elephant Room Productions debuts The Fifth Vital Sign, a mulitmedia experiece about the opioid epidemic, on June 28th, 2019. Stay tuned to elephantroomproductions.com and our podcast, the Trumpet, for the new audio plays in the series. Music featured in this production: Home – By Whitesand (https://youtu.be/3r8gL1vWGx0).
Ep. 29 – Katrina Hall (Dyscalculia)
This month I talk to Philadelphia playwright about her autobiographical piece Dyscalculia. We discuss finding theatre later in life and commiserate on the struggles of getting teachers to understand. The scene featured in this month’s episode features Christie Civil as Katrina and Lauren M. Shover as Teacher #2. Stage Directions provided by Robert Gene Pellechio.
Ep. 28 – Caitlin Cieri (Shoujodan: Song of the Scouts)
This month we travel back to the 1940s with Caitlin Cieri’s historical drama Shoujodan: Song of the Scouts. We discuss the ins and outs of writing shows with large character breakdowns and small casts and take a look at why Historical Fiction is crucial for understanding the past. The scene featured in this week’s episode […]
Ep. 27 – Have No Fear, Shakespeare’s Here!
But Soft, What Light Through Yonder Window Breaks? Oh it’s just Trumpet host Robert Gene Pellechio and ERP Artistic Associate Latrice Smith talking about one of the greatest playwrights who ever lived! In our next Discussion series installment we talk all about the Bard’s influence on Theatre and why his work is still relevant today.