Elephant Room Productions brings the audience into a room to interact with a metaphorical elephant, a topic the vast majority of the world refuses to talk about, to engage and personalize the issue and ultimately become a part of a discourse that will continue well beyond our walls.

We are committed to:

  • speaking on the unspeakable by exploring the societal issues and topical events throughout the world that are difficult to face
  • taking the collaborative nature of theatre beyond the stage to the orchestra, to the mezzanine, to the front door and beyond: to involve the audience in the play, and make them feel like they are a part of it, so they are not merely spectators, but active players
  • connecting with the deep and raw behavior of human beings, using art to both examine the psyche and to trigger the synapses that affect the audience on a personal level
  • fostering new works, using collaboration to develop new plays while maintaining the authenticity of the playwright’s voice
  • mobilizing the stage, to not only bring the world into our art, but take our work into the world as a multi-city spanning company

And we simply would not be able to do what we do without the talent and generosity of our herd.

Want to get involved?  Email us at [email protected] or better yet, hit us up at one of our events!


These elephants work on the day-to-day operations needed to keep this herd moving.  They are not distracted by the watering hole (okay, maybe once in a while, but who isn't?) as they steer us towards the next room.

Artistic Director
Lauren M. Krebs co-founded Elephant Room Productions in 2014 and has served as the Artistic Director ever since. Lauren not…
Producing Director
Christopher G. Ulloth is a New York City based playwright and producer.  B.A.: Bloomsburg University. Plays: FIRST SNOW (Semi-finalist of the 2015…


These elephants offer up their talents and support to keep this herd fueled.  They may not be involved in day-to-day operations, but we couldn't do what we do without them.

Podcast Director
Robert Gene Pellechio is a graduate of Bloomsburg University where he studied acting and directing and holds a B.A. in Performance…
Company Brewer
Donovan Krebs started brewing when he moved to Philadelphia two years ago and quickly learned that it was something he…
Artistic Associate
Latrice Smith is a Philadelphia native who earned her B.A. in Theatre and Strategic communication from The University of Scranton. She…
Artistic Associate
Blake Alvey is a graduate of Indiana University where he recieved a BA in Theatre with a focus on Acting…
Artistic Associate
Monica is an actress and multi-medium artist of the Philadelphia area. She has been performing with Without A Cue Productions…
Marketing Director
Julianne Kastner (she/they) is a Philly-based actor, director, multimedia creator, theatre artist. In addition to their marketing work, she directed…


Every elephant has bills to pay, and while Elephant Room Productions survives almost entirely on volunteer work, we still have production costs.  So when these generous people and organizations come along help to ease those costs, we could not be more grateful.

Want to support us and join the herd?  You can donate to us now at Fractured Atlas!

Cameron Dunbar

Charlie O’Leary

Christopher Ulloth

Claire Savage

Dano Madden

David Miller

Emma Becker

Eric Czekner

Gary Becker and Marty Smith

Lauren Shover

Lorianne McKnight

Michele Miele

Mike Czekner

Robert Pellechio

Sarah Dunivant

Sherry Ulloth