The elephants have been hard at work reviewing submissions for our 2019 project. We were overwhelmed by the number of plays that we received. It is always hard narrowing down a selection from so many good plays, but we did it. The following eight plays made it on to the semi-finalist round in which they will each receive development as part of our Elephant Ears Reading Series. From there, these eight playwrights will have a chance to revise their plays. We will review those revisions and select the finalist plays for the project from there. To read more about the semi-finalists and their plays, check out our EERS post here. And a big thank you to everyone who submitted and congratulations to our semi-finalists!
The Semi-finalists
Take Care by Caity-Shea Violett
Suddenly by Ellen Davis Sullivan
Under the Shattered Streetlight by Jonathan Joy
Paindemonium by Joyce Fontana
It’s A Forever Thing by Matthew Klein
Gun Hill Road by Philip Cioffari
The Monster that Comes at Night by Robby Justiss
Couch by Shannon Murdoch